Jun 1 2024

The wrong room

In the wake of news of the Trump hush money trial’s verdict, Alexandra Petri’s satire on the jury’s deliberations is still well worth a read.

Juror 1: Okay, gentlemen. We can do this a number of ways. We can discuss and then vote. Or we can take a preliminary vote, see where we stand and then discuss. Our result has to be 12 to nothing, either way.

Juror 3: Let’s do a preliminary vote. Maybe we can all go home.

[Eleven hands go up. All heads swivel to Juror 8, sitting at the end of the table with his hand firmly on its surface.]

If you find your view of the article blocked by ads, give thanks for Instapaper if you have it. 1

[Via The Overspill]

  1. Your web browser’s Reader mode may not quite cut it. My experience is that under macOS/Safari the Reader view of this article is silently omitting a couple of crucial lines in the middle of the article. And don’t get me started on how badly Firefox’s Reader view failed me when I tried to see how it coped. Weird. Clearly the Washington Post are very keen to interfere with non-subscribers’ use of their web site. This footnote is long enough - aren’t they all? - so I’ll spare you more details. The point is to point to a funny article. Even more so because it turned out to be wide of the mark.↩︎